I turned on my computer to check my email, pay some bills, whatever. On the AOL start page, there was a link that said
Singer Opens Up About Losing Family
Well, I'm game. I always like to see how the news-people want to pull my heartstrings. I clicked it and LO AND BEHOLD. It's about Mark Oliver Everett, the lead singer of The Eels and the son of Hugh Everett. If you know science, you know Hugh Everett. Think parallel universes aspect of quantum physics.
I got SO terribly excited. Not only do I adore The Eels, but I like science and quantum physics in particular. I had NO IDEA that M. Everett was the son of H. Everett. It never even clicked, I never bothered to check on the bio of the people in the band (all I knew was that it was just him, and musicians in the background). That. Is. So. Awesome.
Also, reading the interview was the weirdest thing. Now I understand why I like that music so much. Interestingly enough, I was just hypothesizing to myself the other day about why people like the things that they do; I was thinking about myself versus the friends that I have. I found myself trying to draw parallels between things, like a big squishily biological connect the dots. Anyway, it was really horrifying to see that people are probably a lot easier to explain than we make it, yet in some stupid paradoxial fashion, unbelievably obscure.
Do you know what I mean?
Eels lyrics: love them.
Eels downloads: eat them. (you can also preview songs on this page; scroll down)
Albums I love: Blinking Lights & Other Revelations, Electro-Shock Blues, Beautiful Freak
The great thing is that everything connects, everything has to do with everything, and one of the jobs of the writer is to locate those connections. Keep writing.
ReplyDeleteMy Eels experience is of listening to Novocaine for the Soul over and over again in my car going to work wishing I wasn't going to work. The Eels can take credit for preventing me from unemployment, bumming for nickels on the street and general office-inflicting instanity. For absolutely no good reason, I don't own any of their CD's - just that one song. Can you recommend a starting point?
ReplyDeleteThe movie version of Bartleby as well as that of Billy Budd have been on my Netflix list for many centuries. I have just moved them both up into the top 10 so I might see them before Christmas. I did see a short movie of Kafka's The Trial and it made me not want to see any more short movies of Kafka's work - too artsy too fartsy! Metamorphosis hunt is now on though.
TBA - To be announed? TBA - Toe beats arm?
TBA - Triangles Brush Appalingly?